I was going to write something, but it happens to be WEAK NOTES day, so let’s do that instead.

As of today I am into the last six months of my forties, which is only moderately terrifying. And you know what, all things considered, life is good. I have an amazing family, a roof over my head, gainful employment that I (mostly) enjoy and more guitars than is perhaps strictly necessary for someone who isn’t, in fact, a professional touring musician.

Still, there are things that need tweaking. I can run 10km, but I’m overweight. I play music all the time, but on my own. I spend a terrific amount of time doom scrolling when I should actually be asleep.

So, I’m going to spend the next six months trying to make some minor adjustments on all fronts and trying to get them to stick.

Weirdly, I think the sleep thing is the really big one - my optimistic goal set in Apple Health is a laughable 6h 30m, and I hit that maybe once a week. And then being tired begets lethargic and hungry, which equates to less exercise and practice and more biscuits.

Vague life update since the last post in (checks notes) June. Wife has started a new senior position at her job which is hectic but seems to be going well, kid started big school which he’s enjoying (he was sooo ready) and I’m still somehow doing the same job I was planning on quitting a few months back. It’s actually OK right now, because I’ve done work to excise the parts of it that were causing me the most frustration.

I sold a guitar! Shock horror.

I also, ended up buying a super cheap (sub £150 in the sale, plus my loyalty points) short-scale Squier Sonic Bronco bass in Fucking Awful Orange Tahitian Coral because I had to teach one of the kid’s friends some bass. Plus I figured it’ll be useful to have around if the kid wants to learn, and if he doesn’t after a couple of years it’ll shift on eBay no problem.

And I bloody love it. Can’t put it down. It’s so… plinky. And you can bend strings on it.

In fact, in the fortnight since I’ve had it I’ve ordered probably it’s value again in parts to make it properly good. It’s mainly the electronics and pickup are where Fender properly cheaped out (it’s got a regular 6 pole Strat pickup in it!), although I’m also replacing the saddles and nut as well (which are pot metal and plastic respectively, but will be brass and bone). And putting some decent strings on. And maybe getting a super hideous yellow and black scratchplate made up.

Haven’t done any of that yet though, and it’s still ridiculously good fun as is. Might have to join a band just so I can play again.

Goals achieved from the previous week:

  • N/A

Goals for the coming week (half century habit forming edition):

  • work out every day (not just running)
  • write every day
  • practice guitar/bass/whatever (on video) everyday OR record something
  • configure the various screen times/content restrictions to get more sleep

Not sure if I’m going to attempt the weaknotes thing again… wrapping everything up into a weekly post helped because I can’t organise any individual thought for more than a handful of sentences, but actually I should just post that stuff as and when. Maybe? Not gonna overthink it…. it’s time to just DO STUFF.

So… see you next time… maybe?