This week’s WEAK NOTES are terse, and to the point. I’ve got places to be.

This week’s dentistry stands at about Fender Player money and still hurts three days later. Stupid teeth.

This week’s work has been much like the previous week. I still seem to be employed but I’m definitely not extending beyond the end of the summer (if I get offered).

Leaving this here to remind me to try it out: Control Ableton Live with a PlayStation controller and Max for Live (via CDM)

Queen’s Greatest Hits on vinyl and some Hotel Chocolat chocs for Father’s Day. WIN.

Did quite well not being a fat slob until about Thursday when I utterly self-sabotaged myself by staying up until 1am working. Ever since then I’ve been utterly sugar and caffeine dependant and haven’t caught up properly.

Goals achieved from the previous week:

  • do three runs. DO IT. DID IT.
  • start recording my practice again DID IT…ONCE
  • tart up the CV, just in case DIDN’T DO IT.

Goals for the coming week:

  • sort out the sleep
  • get through it, basically.

I’m done.