Here are some minimal WEAK NOTES, because I’ve spent my Sunday morning replying to a client instead of sitting around in my PJs watching Person of Interest for the 30th time.

Having received an email from said client on a Saturday evening moaning (at length) about the last minute feature we’ve been building for them, I sent my boss an email that simply read “I quit”. He replied a couple of hours later: “me too”. It’ll be interesting to find out if I’m still employed tomorrow.

So it’s going well then.

They’ve committed themselves to some commercial deadlines, and to some technical changes, and we’ve delivered functionality for them pretty much on time (and budget) over the last 18 months or so. However, they haven’t really engaged with what it means to migrate their users over, or committed resource to the data clean-up that required and they’re shipping in their integration bits late, while coming up with a pile of last minute changes for us. And now we’re having to juggle a whole pile of stuff

This means their crunch has become our crunch.

The end of a project is always a bit brown trousers, but we’ve got quite good over the past couple of decades of trying to mitigate that. And the secret sauce there is to ask the question “what does day one look like?” at the beginning of the gig and then work back from there.

Conveniently a former client has just been in touch enquiring about my availability, which is nice.

Somehow we’re into week 3,011 of a six-week election campaign. I think the Tories have pretty much succumbed to their fate and are just going through the motions at this point. Even their own goals are half-hearted.

The fact there is serious political debate as to whether they’ll be present enough post election to be the official opposition is, frankly, fucking hilarious.

Warren Ellis just wrote in his newsletter: “Sometimes I almost understand why Alan became an anarchist.”

I am roasting a leg of lamb as I type this. For reference this is the correct way to do Yorkshire Puddings:

After I’ve had my lamb I’m going to finish off my Westone Concord restoration.

Goals achieved from the previous week:

  • do three runs nope, but in my defence I really didn’t want to.
  • start recording my practice again yep, although I haven’t had much opportunity to practice.

Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Goals for the coming week:

  • do three runs. DO IT.
  • start recording my practice again
  • tart up the CV, just in case

Next week, people. Same bat time, same bat channel.