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Saw St. Vincent at the Royal Albert Hall last night. Just amazing. Minimal staging, terrific band, setlist spanning her whole career. If Annie Clark doesn’t end up being talked about with the same reverence as Bowie and Prince then the universe isn’t even work saving.

Hilariously, before the show we ran into her guitar player and bass player taking a photo of Benny Hill’s blue plaque on Queen’s Gate. Tourists, eh?

National Service. More money for pensioners. The Tories really are doing everything to get out the grey vote. Mind you, a lot of these look like policies being thrown around by a party who know they won’t have to figure out how to pay for anything after July 5th.

Money is too tight to mention, as a certain Mancunian redhead once opined, so whoever gets in after the election is a bit screwed. I do firmly believe that, given the crippling shortness of funds, having a party in power that won’t prioritise privatisation of public services (and therefore have tax money escaping the system as private profit) is best placed to guide the ship at this point. The fact their candidate is a human rights lawyer instead of a banker doesn’t hurt either.

For all the talk of it being historic, I don’t think Donny T’s 0-34 on his first criminal trial will amount to much unless he somehow gets a custodial sentence. Which he won’t (and shouldn’t for a first offence).

Of course, they got Capone for tax.

What’s more interesting is the number of Republicans trashing the judiciary. I sort of agree - they need to get rid of politically appointed district attorneys and prosecutors and have a truly independent legal system to avoid allegations (and incidences) of political bias, but I can’t see the Republicans making those changes. It’s a perk of being in power in the US. The Supreme Court is already theirs for a generation.

Having an independent judiciary wouldn’t end any better for Donny, but it stops them moaning about it.

A realisation: I think I am preferring Threads over Mastodon. It’s got a nice feel about it, the people are there the algorithm isn’t too cringe-y, and it doesn’t have the initial resistance that Mastodon does. That said, I’m definitely hanging on to both. Threads is Meta and everything they tough turns to crap. (Although Instagram hasn’t completely exploded yet… so maybe?)

Guthrie Govan sure seems like a guy who knows where his towel is.. That is all.

I did nothing towards my personal goals from last week, because I forgot it was half-term and there was a whole bunch of other stuff to do. So they’re rolling.

Goals achieved from the previous week:

  • do three runs nope
  • start recording my practice again also, nope

Goals for the coming week:

  • do three runs
  • start recording my practice again

Two weeks in a row. Will we make three…?